Acne has a notorious capability to 'pop up' every time there is a significant occasion to attend! Reluctantly, we have all gone through this at some point. While it might vanish in a day or two. In some cases, acne may endure for quite a long time, leaving you baffled. This urge leads you to try each possible way on how to get rid of acne.

Also, most of the time, the items you use to treat acne, end up worsening the condition. Thus, to direct your treatment in a correct direction, it is imperative to know your acne type. Talk to our best skin doctor in Vijayawada.

How to recognize acne?

Acne is formed when the skin pores are closed with excess oil from excessive sebum creation, dead cells, bacterial infection, and dirt particles. The clogged pores might arouse the hair follicles causing painful breakouts. What's more, when the congested pores don't inflame the follicles, pain-free non-inflammatory acne is formed.

Get the skin acne treatment from best skin clinic in Vijayawada

Did you know that acne can show up on any skin type, combination and, even dry skin?

What are the types of acne?

Acne can be classified into 6 significant types:

  • Whiteheads (non-inflammatory) - This sort of acne is formed when you have closed pores with bacteria, oil, or dead skin cells stuck. These are not painful.
  • Blackheads - Such non-excruciating acne type shows up within open pores which are clogged with pollutants like dirt, or additional sebum from sebaceous glands.
  • Papules - It is developed when the impurities clogged into the pores aggravate the hair follicles. It doesn't have visible pus.
  • Pustules - It is next phase of Papules. Here, the acne develops noticeable masses of discharge. It can lead to pain in the impacted region.
  • Nodules - This kind of acne is painful with acne lesions profound under the skin. It shows up as red bumps on your skin and may require a few weeks to heal.
  • Cystic lesions (inflammatory) - Cystic acne is the stubborn form of nodular skin acne. It is deeply rooted under the skin harming the layers. It is the most painful of all acne types. For this reason, it ought not to be ignored.

What causes acne?

Major causes of acne are:

Regularly, extra-oily skin is recognized as one of the major factors that prompt acne. In any case, before you know how to get rid of acne, there are numerous less-known triggers that you need to be aware of!

  • Hormonal changes can be blamed for acne
  • Emotional and mental pressure is another huge aspect that impacts changes in hormones which further creates acne on the skin.
  • Diet with high GI might aggravate acne on your skin
  • Wrong Skincare habits might deteriorate acne

Whether you're dealing with mild to moderate acne or more severe, painful sores, a treatment that consolidates natural and scientific ingredients can gigantically affect your skin's health. To take control of your acne is as simple as knowing where it comes from and giving your skin the care it requires to heal. Consult the skin specialist in Vijayawada for skin acne treatment.