
Have you been noticing a huge amount of hair in the basin or bathroom after shampooing, or every time you comb your hair? If you do, then you are one of the many people who suffer from hair loss.

In today’s world, hair loss has been a big worry to many people and the causes might be many, so whether you are looking for prp therapy, hair transplant, micro pigmentation or any other hair loss treatments then consult our hair specialist for hair loss treatment at hair fall clinic in Vijayawada.

What are the causes of hair loss?

Family history

A person’s chance of hair fall might increase when someone already in the family has an issue of hair loss. This is the reason even a healthy person might get hair fall due to genes.

What are the signs and symptoms of hair fall or hair loss?

  • Slow thinning of hair trailed by their falling
  • Retreating forehead hairline or patchy bald spots overhead
  • Loosened hair that emerges on brushing, washing, or delicate tugging
  • Extending through the center hair part

What are the treatment options for hair loss?

Treatment of hair fall relies on its cause and the amount of hair fall. So the adequacy of any treatment would rely on the identification of its exact reason.

Our dermatologists are knowledgeable and experienced to assess the real reason for hair fall and treat the patient accordingly. Generally speaking, a combination of treatments is given by our dermatologists that increases the chances of success. Seek the best doctor for hair fall treatment in Vijayawada.

  • Hair-Stimulating Medications: First and foremost, hair loss is attempted to be overseen by meds that invigorate hair growth while controlling hair fall. Both oral and locally applicable meds can be given to the patient after a cautious assessment of the reason for hair fall by our dermatologists.
  • Laser Treatment: Low-level laser treatment is a safe and non-surgical procedure that is utilized to treat the hereditary forms of hair loss common in men and women.
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma: The progressive technology of PRP Therapy includes the withdrawal of a patient's blood, handling it to get platelet-rich plasma, and lastly injecting it into the scalp. It is done to supply the essential proteins (through plasma) to the scalp that stimulates the regular hair development in people with hair loss
  • Mesotherapy: It is a treatment where limited amounts of medications are injected directly into the subcutaneous tissue and dermal layer of the skin utilizing very fine needles. This can stimulate hair growth in bald spots.
  • Hair restoration Surgery: Hair transplantation is a successful treatment for baldness and is carried out relying upon the reason and the phase of baldness. For successful hair transplantation, the eligibility of the patient must be entirely assessed. Our Dermatologists assess the patient for the type of hair loss and its cause and think about the patient's condition before deciding on a hair restoration procedure. Maintenance and follow-up play a vital part in hair fall restoration management. The patient ought to stay in touch with the Dermatologist, Dr. Udaya Sarvani Poranki to maintain the viability of treatment and enjoy a head full of hair.